
homepage FAQ section C: about this FAQ


This section is to explain who made this FAQ, and why.

C1. Frequency and purpose

This FAQ is posted monthly to news.answers and soc.answers, and weekly to It can also be obtained by e-mailing the FAQ maintainer, Jon. Suggestions for additions/improvements are always welcome.

The aim of this FAQ is not only to reduce traffic (and repetition) on, but also to help you get more out of the group. Feedback on how well it does this is also welcome.

C2. Contributors

These are the people directly involved in developing the FAQ. Although Jon ("FAQ Wombat") Harley is the editor, some of the text was actually written by the following people.

The original version of this FAQ was drafted by Elf Sternberg. The other major contributors were Tim Pierce, Alan Hamilton, Dave Berry, Tom Limoncelli, Albert Lunde, Ciaran McHale and Adam C. Wick.

Others who have contributed text are John Flanagan, Beth Linker, Ellen Keyne Seebacher, STella and Omaha Sternberg.

Thanks also to Alan Jaffray, Alison Rowan, Brenda Mobley, Craig Dickson, Matt Brown, Peter Flynn, Richard Kennaway and Nyar the Aardvark.

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